Popular interior designer Vern Yip describes himself as “a book nerd” and has since published his first book, “Vern Yip’s Design Wise” and started off his tour right here in Atlanta, Georgia where he and his family live part time. Of course local Atlanta fans had to get their hands on a copy of his “Smart Guide to a Beautiful Home” at the book signing that took place at Frontgate at Phipps Plaza in Buckhead last September.
Vern Yip has appeared on the design shows “Trading Spaces” and “HGTV Design Star,” and has written not just a coffee-table book filled with numerous photos of beautiful interiors, but a great resource guide filled with lots of detailed info on what it takes to create timeless style at home. During this Atlanta book tour at Frontgate, which by the way was an intimate group of 10 of us, he answered lots of home decorating questions that we all had for him. Vern also showed us with his measuring tape how far away our coffee tables should really be from the couch in our living rooms and how high to hang a chandelier from the dining table.
Photo courtesy of Dylan York Photography.
Our very own, Krisztina Bell got to chat about her home staging business with Vern. He happens to be one of her favorite celeb interior designers from the old “Trading Spaces” days and knew this designer was going to be a who’s who to watch out for in the interior design industry and was kind enough to pose for a photo op.
Vern personally signed every book and commented that “People kept asking me, ‘How come it took you so long to write a book?’” he said, “I wanted it to be a beautiful book, but I also wanted it to be super useful. It’s designed to be something you take with you when you go shopping.”
The book, which took him a year to create, opens with the numbers, the standard lengths and heights of various furniture and trim, followed by advice on shopping, from lighting to window treatments. Part two is more of a photo gallery, showing how Yip himself applied all the rules from part one on his own homes. This celebrity designer may travel the planet, but his favorite place is home, where memories of special places, times, and people surround him every day!
Slowa maja ogromna moc, Ja bardzo w to wierze. Moga inspirowac, dawac motywacje lub pocieszenie, a gdy go potrzeba. Czasem w jednym zdaniu jak zakleta jest madrosc, ktorej szukamy w zyciu przez bardzo dlugi czas. zapraszam do siebie 🙂
Znana osobistosc Pan Andrzej Dobrowolski twierdzil, ze Mezczyzni witaja sie uscisnieciem dloni. Kobiety obejmuja sie przyjaznie. W pierwszym wypadku chodzi o sprawdzenie, czy w reku nie ma ukrytej broni, w drugim, czy na pewno nie ma jej tez za plecami i czy gra z otwartymi kartami 🙂