The Morris Raney Real Estate team over at Beacham & Company, one of Atlanta’s Top Luxury Real Estate Brokerages knows No Vacancy Home Staging can help them sell a listing fast and for top dollar! The project entailed sellers moving out of a stylish and upscale townhome in the popular Town Brookhaven neighborhood. A large and heavy Restoration Hardware shelving unit remained in the property but was the perfect piece to set the tone for the proper staging style this vacant home needed. No Vacancy’s home stagers Krisztina Bell and Kate Fosco had to make this luxury 3 bedroom 3 bath townhome with three levels and an elevator in a gated community with a pool look worthy of its price point set in the $700K’s and get the sellers close to full asking price. After the home was staged, it took less than 14 days for it to go under contract. It turned out that the property sold for a higher price point than another larger townhome listed for sale in the same community. Home staging once again proves to be a wise investment for the sellers and even helped property values within the community – a win, win for everyone! #sellitfaster
Staging Project: Town Brookhaven
Home Staging Style: Transitional
Home Staging Package: Premium Package for Living Room, Sitting Area, Dining Room, Kitchen, Master Bedroom, Powder Bathroom and Master Bathroom
Location: Brookhaven